Monthly Archives: September 2011

Rastafarians in Cyberspace

While the first section of Neuromancer was indisputably difficult to follow, the second section presented (to me at least) its own unique set of challenges for the reader. As we discussed in class, one thing that makes this novel difficult … Continue reading

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Race in “The Comet”

While W.E.B. Du Bois’ “The Comet” is a science fiction story depicting post-apocalyptic New York, it is much more than that; to me, it is a story primarily concerned with race relations that merely uses the science fiction genre as … Continue reading

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Which came first, the Monster or Frankenstein?

  As our discussion of Frankenstein has progressed, I am still attempting to place Frankenstein on what we can call the monster-creator spectrum: does Frankenstein’s final explanation that “[his] duties toward [his] fellow creatures had greater claims to [his] attention” … Continue reading

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Frankenstein is not weird

Although I have never seen any of the many film adaptations of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, I have already read the novel once before in its entirety. Usually, rereading a book is a rewarding experience for me, but in this particular … Continue reading

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